
Scarlet nexus side quests
Scarlet nexus side quests

scarlet nexus side quests scarlet nexus side quests

I don't like the rock-paper-scissors comparison because it greatly dilutes the beauty behind the game's encounter design, but every encounter is properly designed to be countered in specific manners with the options you have, from the first enemy to the last boss, and you can take advantage of your options to even one-cycle most the game's enemies and bosses (for example, don't brain crush bosses immediately, push damage into them while they're down first). This game tests your ability to adapt to the complexity and depth of its mechanics and combo routes and rewards you greatly when you actually put them all together effectively. Chaining rush attacks is also one thing that is greatly overlooked by many players and underutilized, it's one of your bread and butters and builds damage/crush the longer the chain is, but not many people use this tech, and has so much flexibility in positioning and timing, able to dodge and backstep out without breaking chain is how you actively use it defensively and offensively. Not to mention a myriad of movement-combos and special (L2) objects that make it fairly a breeze to take down the extraneous members one by one. You have SAS abilities specifically to counter them in ways that create openings or knock them down (clairvoyance is guaranteed knockdowns on counter, time slow to open enemies up, stunning with paralysis, and the list goes on), as well as AI options to manipulate the enemy placements and unique attacks that change your combo actions depending on different SAS abilities. Click to shrink.Never had an issue with this fight on either path or any fights like it.

Scarlet nexus side quests